Predator drone purchase
Predator drone purchase: The US State Department announced the drone deal on February 1, but the draft LOA was kept open for possible objections from US lawmakers for a mandatory 30 days.

India and the US have further strengthened defense cooperation with the Biden administration, submitting an intergovernmental letter of intent (LOA) to the Department of Defense to procure 31 MQ9B Predator drones from General Atomics. This week, the US sent India a secret agreement to buy the company for $4 billion.
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Predator drone purchase: Officials in Washington and Delhi said the last LOA the United States negotiated with manufacturers for 31 armed drones was sent to the Defense Department on March 11, but the agreement remains in place. It is said to be a conspiracy aimed at killing the radical G.S. to assassinate Pannun of Khalistan.
The US State Department announced the drone deal on February 1, but the LOA remained open for a mandatory 30-day period due to possible objections from US lawmakers. The final version of the deal was sent to India after lawmakers failed to veto the US deal with India.

Now that the LOA is received, the deal will be examined by the Indian Navy and if the price is satisfactory, it will be forwarded to the Cabinet Committee on Security for approval by the Defense Minister. (CCS). . Under the military deal, the Indian Navy will acquire 16 MQ 9B drones, while the Indian Army and the Indian Air Force will acquire eight aircraft each. India will acquire 171 Hellfire AGM114R missiles, laser-guided bombs, rocket launchers, ground stations, anti-submarine sonobuoys, 31 fully encrypted drones and a surveillance complement package for the most advanced platform.

The letter of acceptance is in response to India’s letter of intent to the US government to purchase 31 drones. On the G-to-G route, the supplier negotiates the price with the manufacturer.
Predator drone purchase: The acquisition of the 31 Predator drones by India came at a time when the lease of two Sky Guardian drones (unarmed Predators) by the Indian Navy was on the verge of expiring in January . This was first extended till March, and then a contract for further extension for four years was signed this month at a cost of $ 220-230 million.
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