Tamil superstar Vijay to quit films : Tamil superstar Vijay to quit films, devote all his time to politics

Tamil superstar Vijay to quit films
Tamil superstar Vijay to quit films

Tamil superstar Vijay to quit films

Tamil superstar Vijay to quit films : Mumbai: Tamil superstar Vijay, who was recently seen in ‘Leo’ and whose new film ‘Life of Goat’ will hit theaters soon, has decided to quit from films because of his political career.

Tamil superstar Vijay to quit films

Tamil superstar Vijay to quit films : On Friday, he announced the formation of his political party http://Tamil superstar Vijay to quit films : Tamil superstar Vijay to quit films, devote all his time to politics Tamil Nadu Victory Kazhagam. The actor said that after completing the shooting of two films (GOAT and an untitled film), he is quitting films to become a full-time politician in Tamil Nadu.

Members of his party plan to take part in the 2026 elections. The actor recently met students of classes 10 and 12 and also helped those affected by the recent floods in Chennai.

In a long official statement, the actor said that there is a need for political power to do social work in a full-fledged manner.

Tamil superstar Vijay to quit films : The actor’s official account on X posted: “You all are well aware of the Tamil political situation. On the one hand, dysfunctional governance and corrupt political culture, and on the other, divisive politics that divide people along caste, creed and religion. Both hinder our development. It is an incontestable truth that people, more so in Tamil Nadu, are longing for a change in a political scenario and want a selfless, honest, secular and talented party to bring about a change.”

Vijay announced that he will be contesting in the 2026 state legislative assembly elections and will pave the way for the ‘desired political transformation sought by the people of Tamil Nadu’.

Tamil superstar Vijay to quit films

The statement further said, “After the adoption of the Election Ordinance, our party’s policy, manifesto, strategy and programs will be unveiled and our political journey for the people of Tamil Nadu will begin.” I will continue to make necessary efforts to give priority to elections. To represent interests of the people of the State of Tamil Nadu and ensure that all activities are in line with the mission and objectives of the party. My long-term commitment to politics is therefore not just a job, but a sacred duty towards the people. “In my opinion, politics is not a hobby but my deep endeavor.”

“So, I will complete the project I have accepted now, making sure that it doesn’t affect my political service. And I will embark on this journey to serve the people of Tamil Nadu fully, without any distractions. That, I believe, is my debt of gratitude to the people of Tamil Nadu”, he added in the statement,” he concluded.

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