Pink Tax
Pink Tax: The “pink tax” is the concept that all types of products for women are more expensive than similar products for men.

Biocon chief Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw railed against “pink taxes” in a video posted on X, highlighting the unfair price difference between women’s and men’s products. She called on women to boycott similar products and highlighted the gender price gap. In personal care products such as soaps and razors.
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“Pink tax!” Shameful gender bias that women should respond to by avoiding such products! she wrote in X.
What is Pink tax?
The pink tax is the concept that different products for women are more expensive than similar products for men, despite similar properties and ingredients. This price difference is common across a wide range of consumer goods and services, including personal care products, clothing, toys, and even services such as dry cleaning.

This issue came to light in 2015 when an investigation by the New York Department of Consumer Affairs found several instances of gender-based pricing for certain products. Researchers examined 800 different gendered products across 100 brands. They found that personal care products for women cost, on average, 13% more than those for men. Prices for women’s accessories and adult clothing also rose by 7 and 8 percent, respectively.
Another study in the United States found that women’s shirts cost 90% more to dry clean than men’s shirts. Similarly, in the UK, they found that women’s deodorants were on average 8.9% more expensive than men’s, while women’s facial moisturizers were 34.28% more expensive.

These studies show that over the long term, women spend thousands of dollars more on the same products than men over the course of their lives. Contrary to its name, the pink tax is not a real tax. Unofficially, this tax is very global as it impacts the finances of women around the world. Some states and local governments have laws prohibiting price discrimination based on gender. However, national legislation has yet to be passed, although some draft legislation has already been introduced.
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